From Miri to Brunei by Package Delivery Taxi
If you’re already in Malasyian Borneo, you might as well make time to visit Brunei, right? right! While in Kuching, I met Pien, a Dutch backpacker who had just been…
From Paris to Toulouse on the Intercites Train
Originally I’d planned to go straight from Paris to Barcelona, to spend some time there before my transatlantic cruise to Barbados. I’d even booked an overnight train (for a very…
Visiting the Sky Hub Lounge at Seoul Incheon Int’l Airport, South Korea
I visited the Sky Hub Lounge (West) at Incheon International Airport recently while flying from Seoul to Singapore. This info is current as of May 2023. The lounge is located…
From Singapore to Kuala Lumpur by Train (2024 Overland Travel Guide)
Going overland between countries (rather than flying) can be really fun, especially if you enjoy a more adventurous style of travel. Singapore and Malaysia in particular are easy to get…
From Fukuoka to Busan with the JR Queen Beetle Ferry (My Experience)
I prefer ground travel (or sea travel) over air travel when financial and time costs make sense, so when I saw there was a high speed ferry from Fukuoka, Japan…
Visiting the Airlines Executive Lounge at Grantley Adams International Airport, Barbados
I flew out of GAIA this past December and visited the Airlines Executive Lounge for a bit before my flight. This info is current as of December 2022 (so hopefully…
From London to Paris by Eurostar Train (My Experience)
I’d been wanting to travel on the Eurostar train for several years, so I took the opportunity to do so this past summer when I went from London over to…
MSC Preziosa Northern European Cruise (Sept. 30-Oct. 7, 2022): Daily Planner, Food, etc.
I’m currently working on my write-up of this cruise on the MSC Preziosa, but overall I wasn’t super impressed. I enjoyed my balcony cabin, my room steward was very nice,…
3 Days on the Southwest Chief From Los Angeles, CA to Flagstaff, AZ
In April 2022, I spent 3 days on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief. This was my first time on an overnight train trip and my first time booking a roomette! Roomettes are…