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Learning How to Make Egg Coffee in Da Nang, Vietnam (Cooking Class Review)

There’s lots of fun events happening in Da Nang, from yoga to martial arts to digital nomad meetups to cooking and coffee classes! I make it a habit to regularly check FB Events for upcoming activities, and that’s how I found this coffee-making class hosted by Bamboo Bob Cafe.

It looked really fun, so I signed up immediately. 😎 This post is an overview of the class, my experiences during it, and whether I recommend it– plus some ideas for other food-related activities to do in Da Nang!

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Bamboo Bob Cafe Info

Bamboo Bob is actually a direct trade coffee cooperation focusing on supporting local Vietnamese coffee farms. They have a social impact program with three key areas: family, community, and the planet. They’re interested in supporting healthy families, investing in sustainable community development, and promoting ecological farming practices!

There are two Bamboo Bob Cafe locations in Da Nang, one in My Ang and one in Son Tra. The class I went to was held at the second location so that’s the info I put here.

  • Address: 66 An Thượng 29, Bắc Mỹ Phú, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
  • Plus code: 366P+66 Sơn Trà, Da Nang, Vietnam
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday 7:30am-10:30p, Sunday 7:30am-8:00pm
  • Phone #: +84 935728133
  • Website: https://bamboo-bob.com

Coffee classes are hosted the first Sunday of every month!

Bamboo Bob Coffee Class Experience

The staff prefer that you purchase a ticket ahead of time, so they know how many people are coming and can prepare enough ingredients. You can reserve a ticket by messaging them on FB Messenger or WhatsApp, or by filling out a Google Form and leaving your contact info. Then you’ll go into one of the Bamboo Bob Cafes and pay for the ticket, which you’ll need to bring back to the class.

The class costs 169,000 dong or about $7 USD and it’s 2.5 hours long. This Bamboo Bob location has air conditioning so it’s very comfortable.

Tables set up for our class

Our class was small, only 7 people including myself. We all introduced ourselves and we were all expats and travelers: 2 from the US, 1 from Canada, 4 from Russia. Our teacher was a Bamboo Bob employee, local to Da Nang and only 21 years old!

He explained the basic ingredients for each coffee and how you make them. Turns out they’re very similar, the only difference is the salt and egg flavors! Here’s the needed items for each:

  • Coffee (finely ground)
  • Beverage Topping (I think this is called soft whipped cream in the US)
  • Non-dairy Creamer (maybe equivalent to half-and-half?)
  • Milk (this one was 3.5% fat content)
  • Condensed milk
  • (optional) Cocoa powder for topping
  • Ice

Then you’ll need salt for salt coffee and egg yolk powder for egg coffee.

Necessary tools are:

Salt Coffee

This one took the longest because we were all unsure and going slowly. I accidentally overfilled my drip filter lid and spilled a bunch on the table and my friend next to me dropped his cup when he was using the frother wand and it went everywhere; luckily we had a bunch of napkins and very patient cafe staff to help clean up!

I’d actually never tried salt coffee before because I thought the salt flavor would be too strong– not something I want in my coffee. But actually there’s not really any salt flavor at all! And technically because we made our own, we could adjust how much salt we wanted in our salt cream, so I only put in half a teaspoon. It was just enough to balance the sweetness of the condensed milk and was very good.

Egg Coffee

I’ve liked egg coffee ever since I tried it in Hanoi, but I haven’t had it since I came back to Vietnam this year. This is one of the coffees that freaks people out because the name makes it sound like you just drop a whole egg in there or something. But think of it like egg nog or custard: the egg is just an ingredient and a binder for the cream. Egg coffee is very sweet and thick, and the egg makes the cream just a little smoother than with the salt coffee.

The dried egg yolk is a really smart idea! It’s so easy to mix into the cream base and takes less time to blend then using the wet version.

Like with the salt, we could control the amount of ingredients we put in so I did about half the amount of condensed milk from the standard, as usually egg coffee (to me) tastes so sweet it’s like a custard almost. With the downsize in sweetness, this egg coffee was just a little sweet and creamy, almost like an egg nog latte. Loved it!

Coffee Competition

Our coffee entries! Can you guess which one’s mine?

At the end of the class we had a coffee competition! The staff brought out a tray of different ingredients like orange, mango, yogurt, aloe vera, chia seeds, mint, and more.

We used those ingredients plus the leftover salt and egg creams to make our own coffee concoctions, and then we competed for best-looking and best-tasting.

I made an unbalanced matcha orange coffee– I didn’t put enough condensed milk and it wasn’t sweet enough to balance out the matcha plus the super-strong Vietnamese coffee, in my opinion. If I were to do it again I’d definitely do either more sweetness, or less coffee and more cream.

Winners of the contest got prizes: a bag of coffee, a drip filter, and a set of wooden utensils!

Final Thoughts

After the class we all got goodie bags! Inside was a small bag of coffee, a drip filter, and a coupon for a free cup of coffee at the cafe! I really appreciated that because I’d been wanting a small drip filter so I could make something other than instant coffee at my apartment here– and now I can!

The staff at Bamboo Bob were so kind, and we learned so much in the coffee class. I had a really fun time learning how to make Vietnamese coffee, and now I want to try making some on my own. I highly recommend doing this class when you’re here in Da Nang!

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