Asia,  Destinations,  Thailand,  Travel Diary

A visit to the Ramkhamhaeng National Museum

Previously: Exploring Sukhothai’s ruins

Journal date: September 15, 2023

The Ramkhamhaeng National Museum is located just near the Sukhothai History Park (central entrance), making it an excellent stop either before or after a visit to the ruins.

It’s an older museum that’s partially under renovation, but most of the rooms are open to the public. There are a few displays on local modern history, but most of them focus on artifacts and information about the nearby temple ruins and the people who built them.

The museum has a particularly excellent collection of stucco sculptures and art! There’s also a small outdoor area with larger statues and stucco recreations.

Well worth visiting to round out exploring the historical park nearby. Cost: 150 baht / $4.25 USD. Open daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Next: From Sukhothai to Chiang Mai by bus

Anastasia is a former librarian turned digital nomad. She's been traveling the world full time for two years and has visited 18 countries so far! Just Gone Wandering is a travel resource for solo female travelers on a backpacker's budget-- or slightly more-- and highlights amazing places to visit as well as providing tips and tricks for traveling smart and frugal. Read more...

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