Destinations,  Asia,  Thailand,  Travel Diary

Visiting the Ayutthaya Gold Treasure Exhibition Building

Today I went to Chao Sam Phraya National Museum. Well, I TRIED going to the museum, but it was closed for renovations. However, the exhibition hall behind it is still open, so I went inside there instead. Cost: 150 baht / $4.25 USD

The exhibition hall (Ayutthaya Gold Treasure Exhibition Building) displays treasure and artifacts found within the nearby wat (temples), discovered during various archeological digs in the 1950s-1980s. It also talks about part of the culture and history of the people in Ayutthaya, though focused more on royalty as it’s their stuff on display.

I’d actually visited all these wat yesterday, so it was great to get more information about how and why they were built, plus what was inside them. The ruins themselves don’t have any treasures left inside (except maybe some statues), so it was good to visit the museum and have a more complete idea of what those temples were like back when they were in use.

Asia 2023 Travel Diaries

Journal date: September 12, 2023

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Anastasia is a former librarian turned digital nomad. She's been traveling the world full time for two years and has visited 18 countries so far! Just Gone Wandering is a travel resource for solo female travelers on a backpacker's budget-- or slightly more-- and highlights amazing places to visit as well as providing tips and tricks for traveling smart and frugal. Read more...

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